Dear Church,
2022 was an incredibly rewarding year for us at Gateway Church. Our mission is Reaching Generations for Christ, and, this past year, thanks to the faithfulness of our staff, volunteers, and congregation, we were able to do just that in a multitude of ways.
We had the opportunity to host 32 community outreach events, such as men's and women’s gatherings, our church picnic, the annual Christmas tree lighting, and Trunk or Treat, which had over 1,200 men, women, and children from our community in attendance.
These events also included partnering with some key ministries and nonprofits, such as the Pregnancy Care Center, Because We Can Sports, NYC Love Kitchen, and Operation Christmas Child.
But… we didn't stop there. Every day we send funds into the world that are used to help reach people for Christ. This year, we were able to give over $44,000 to our mission partners, an incredible testament to the work God is doing locally and around the globe. You can find a full list of all our global missions’ partners in our church lobby and here for your continued information, prayer, and support.
In 2022, we welcomed 20 new members into our church family. Our members are a key pillar that keeps our church moving forward, and the Elders and I are so grateful for the faithfulness of every one of them.
We also had the privilege of baptizing and dedicating 22 individuals to the Lord. What an incredible sign of the work the Lord is doing in each of their lives and the lives of their families.
Our church also had the opportunity to welcome the Denney family! Pastor Ben joined our staff as our new Family Pastor, along with his wife Cortney, and their two amazing children - Olivia and Nathan. We are so blessed to have this family here with us and so excited to see the amazing things God is going to do through them and our Kids and Students Ministry volunteers in the coming year.
2022 was also a big year for our facility. We’ve been blessed with a beautiful 17-acre campus, and this year we were able to raise funds to repave our church parking lot, an investment we all have been enjoying the past couple of months!
And… thanks to the leadership of Gateway Academy’s Head of School, Chris DeSanctis, and the generous donation from his uncle and cousin, our school was able to completely fund and build their very own "Dominick and Barron De Sanctis STEM Center." This space will be used for our student body to further their education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and will be opening its doors very shortly in the new year. Thanks to Chris and his staff and teachers, the Academy is growing and making an impact each day as we train the next generation to think, believe, and become world changers for the Kingdom of God. In 2024, we will graduate our first high school senior class!
This past year, in our Sunday worship, we also took the time to study key sections of scripture such as the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, The Parables of Jesus, and our Rebuild series from the book of Nehemiah, as well as look at main theological themes such as Baptism, Generosity, Evangelism, and Service. Every week, we submit to God’s Word together, looking to apply His living truth to our everyday lives. Our Sunday gatherings are growing, both in-person and online, as more people are connecting with God through our worship and media ministries under the leadership of Alison Madill and Steven Stanley.
Our church was able to host 12 life groups and additional classes, including "How to Discover Your Divine Design," and "How to Grow Spiritually." These groups and classes consist of men, women, and their families coming together as one to learn God’s Word, pray with each other, and encourage one another to be a witness for Christ in our families and on our island.
Most importantly, through the faithful witness and sharing of the Gospel by our entire staff and congregation, over two dozen people came through our doors and trusted in Jesus as Savior and Lord or rededicated their lives to Him! To God be the glory!
2022 was an incredible year, but I believe it's just the beginning of what God has in store for us as a community of faith at Gateway in 2023. This is going to be a pivotal year in the 58-year history of our church, as we complete, with the Lord’s help, our Chapel and Atrium project that began back in 2007. I cannot wait to dedicate that new space to the Lord for future gospel and generational impact on our island. Keep an eye out for our "Holy Graffiti Night" and "Dedication Service" in the new year!
In addition, we are looking forward to new missions’ trip opportunities, VBS returning this summer, discipleship opportunities like reading through the Bible together, added justice and mercy partnerships, hosting Dallas Theological Seminary’s "The Story of Scripture" seminar for our region, our Israel and Greece trip, and the addition of new leaders and staff to help us serve in key areas of growth moving forward.
So, on behalf of Gateway Church, I want to extend a big thank you to all who serve faithfully in our church and on our island to help us fulfill our calling. Thank you to the staff, Elders, Deacons, Trustees, membership, attendees, volunteers, and prayer and financial supporters. Let’s stay faithful in our service and generosity to the Lord and close to each other in 2023 as we expand our mission of Reaching Generations for Christ here on Staten Island and to the ends of the earth!
"They said, "Let’s start rebuilding," and their hands were strengthened to do this good work."
- Nehemiah 2:18
Love your Pastor,
Pastor Michael
Thank you for considering a special year-end Christmas offering gift! This offering, above and beyond our normal tithes, will go towards meeting the ministry and mission needs highlighted above in 2023!
You can give by clicking HERE.
Please choose "Christmas Fund" from the drop-down menu.