The role of the worship team at Gateway is to collectively use the gifts God has given to the glory of His Name, while continuing to grow closer with God and each other. We practice, plan, and participate in the leading of our church in corporate worship, while providing an atmosphere where people can experience the presence of God. We are open to both professionals and those who are willing to work to improve their skills via mentorship and practice. We would love to get to know you, and welcome you to audition as a way of discerning if worship ministry is where God is leading you to serve!

  • meet the leader

    Andrew serves at Gateway as both worship leader and a teacher at Gateway Academy. Gateway has had an integral part in Andrew’s walk in Christ as well as musical development, as his experiences here date back to attending Gateway Academy as a student, graduating in 2009. Andrew is a graduate of The Catholic University of America, where he studied Architecture and Theology. Before returning to his roots by becoming a teacher at Gateway Academy, he worked in the architecture field, assisting in various design projects in Manhattan and Staten Island, and led worship at Bethany L.B. Church. Andrew continues to teach Bible, Computer, and Architecture classes at Gateway Academy, lead student worship teams, and direct the student TV program, GA-TV. Andrew is excited about seeing God continue to shape Gateway’s music ministry, and our church, as we behold God and continue to be transformed to be more and more like Him!


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