mask policy + safety guidelines

Gateway Family,
As a result of the NY State mask mandate being lifted this week, we will be Mask Optional at all services and meetings at Gateway Church. We will continue at this time to have our seats social distanced in the sanctuary, disinfect the facility and register new people for Sunday services + events in the case we need to contact trace.
We ask everyone to consider the CDC recommendation to continue wearing a mask if not vaccinated and make the best decision for you and others. Some will choose to still wear a mask, and we will support you. Let’s continue to exhibit an attitude of kindness and grace with others (Eph. 4:32), as the comfort level and personal opinions of each vary on this topic.

For those still not ready to worship in person, we encourage you to join us live every Sunday at 9am + 11am from the comfort of your own home by clicking here.
We look forward to worshiping with you at Gateway this Sunday, in person or online!